NURBS Design Lab
NURBS Design Lab 曲氏設計研究所為2017創立於台北之建築事務所,致力於實務中探索幾何潛力與數位實踐。設計由NURBS DESIGN的字首「N」為主體,嘗試將數位幾何的結構轉化爲圖像應用於logo中,並以漸變細節呼應曲面在光影中漸消之明暗變化。
Founded in 2017, NURBS Design Lab is an architecture design studio aims to probe the potential beauty of geometry and digital manufacturing.Based on the shape of”N”,The logo symbolizes the structure of digital manufacturing, and visualizes the light and shadow changes on nurbs surfaces with gradient pattern.

Year: 2018
Cilent: NURBS 曲氏設計工作室
Category: Logo Design, Business Card Design
Print: 格志凸版印刷工作室