
Future Cross Boundaries

延續台灣設計展之『軟:硬』主視覺精神,並將『對產業未來的想象』視覺化,運用錯視的原理建構出空間、空間交互層疊,透過突破口,於中介空間產生的動態圖樣,詮釋灰色地帶的存在,反覆的重疊、延展與流動,暗示世界並不只是非黑即白,而是在黑與白之間,由不同因子的交互影響,進而產生動態的可能性,也襯出此展覽想帶給觀展者的啟發—— 軟與硬,柔與剛,幻想與務實,文化與經濟,這些看似彼此對立的面相,都將不再是對立的彼端,而是互相支持成長的夥伴,也唯有軟硬合作、跨域整合,才能建立一個更好、更永續的未來。

The graphic design visualizing “ Future Cross Boundaries” with optical illusion. Use patterns of optical illusion to make the changing between white and black to imply the state of possibility to fit in the world, which also meet the concept of exhibition—soft and hard, fantasy and reality, culture and ecoomy. These are seemingly opposite sides will no longer be opposite to each other but being partners which mutual supports for growing. Only the soft and hard power cooperation and interdisciplinary integration can build a better and sustainable future.

YEAR 2019
Category: Graphic Design
Curators: ShiKai Tseng, Paul Gong
Graphic Design: Yaya Huang
Logotype Design: Hsien-Hsun Huang
Exhibition Design: Elinda Chen
Project Manager: Riva Zien

Future Cross Boundaries
軟:硬 - 實踐跨域創新的未來
地點│松山創園區 台灣設計館01/02/03展區



策展│Studio Shikai