The Intersection of Coral Death and Regeneration in Penghu
Coral colonies around Penghu create diverse and stunning landscapes, shaped by varying habitat conditions. However, the accumulation of coral debris—formed from dead corals—has led to the formation of coral sand deposits. These deposits are gradually altering the coastlines, causing degradation of intertidal zones and changes to the landscape and geomorphology.
The Coral Chair is crafted using 3D printing technology with a mixed material known as C-slurry, derived from coral sand. This design transforms the unique patterns of Penghu's coral formations into a series of community gateway sculptures and street furniture, resembling coral colonies. By repurposing fragments of dead corals, the project reimagines a vibrant seascape for Penghu. Serving as a metaphor for environmental change, it also explores sustainable solutions through the concept of regeneration.
Year: 2022
Coach: Jian You Li
3D Printer supported: ︎︎︎Everplast
Material: ︎︎︎Lotos
Project: Circulation Chic.O – Baisha Chikan, Penghu – Aesthetic Circulation and Innovation Project
Supported by: Ministry of Culture x C-Hub (National Cheng Kung University Creative Base) – Experimental Lab of Prof. Liu Shun-Jen, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University
珊瑚椅(Coral Chair)透過 3D 列印技術以混合砂砱的 C-slurry 材料印製而成,轉化澎湖珊瑚樣態,將其表面的紋理設計成一系列如珊瑚聚落般的社區入口意象及街道傢俱,藉由死亡珊瑚的碎屑,重塑一片生機盎然的澎湖海景,作為環境變遷的隱喻, 也藉由循環為其找到再生的解法。
Year: 2022
指導老師: 李建佑
3D列印機: ︎︎︎台灣頡懋機械Everplast
材料: ︎︎︎樂土Lotos
《循.赤崁 Chic .O》澎湖白沙赤崁-美感循環創域計畫
文化部 x C-Hub 成大創意基地-國立成功大學建築學系劉舜仁教授實驗室
Coral colonies around Penghu create diverse and stunning landscapes, shaped by varying habitat conditions. However, the accumulation of coral debris—formed from dead corals—has led to the formation of coral sand deposits. These deposits are gradually altering the coastlines, causing degradation of intertidal zones and changes to the landscape and geomorphology.
The Coral Chair is crafted using 3D printing technology with a mixed material known as C-slurry, derived from coral sand. This design transforms the unique patterns of Penghu's coral formations into a series of community gateway sculptures and street furniture, resembling coral colonies. By repurposing fragments of dead corals, the project reimagines a vibrant seascape for Penghu. Serving as a metaphor for environmental change, it also explores sustainable solutions through the concept of regeneration.
Year: 2022
Coach: Jian You Li
3D Printer supported: ︎︎︎Everplast
Material: ︎︎︎Lotos
Project: Circulation Chic.O – Baisha Chikan, Penghu – Aesthetic Circulation and Innovation Project
Supported by: Ministry of Culture x C-Hub (National Cheng Kung University Creative Base) – Experimental Lab of Prof. Liu Shun-Jen, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University
珊瑚椅(Coral Chair)透過 3D 列印技術以混合砂砱的 C-slurry 材料印製而成,轉化澎湖珊瑚樣態,將其表面的紋理設計成一系列如珊瑚聚落般的社區入口意象及街道傢俱,藉由死亡珊瑚的碎屑,重塑一片生機盎然的澎湖海景,作為環境變遷的隱喻, 也藉由循環為其找到再生的解法。
Year: 2022
指導老師: 李建佑
3D列印機: ︎︎︎台灣頡懋機械Everplast
材料: ︎︎︎樂土Lotos
《循.赤崁 Chic .O》澎湖白沙赤崁-美感循環創域計畫
文化部 x C-Hub 成大創意基地-國立成功大學建築學系劉舜仁教授實驗室